Private Practice Elevation with Daniel Fava podkast

168. From Generalist to Specialist: Finding Your Niche in Therapy w/ Elisabeth Morray

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In this episode of the Private Practice Elevation podcast, host Daniel Fava sits down with Dr. Elisabeth Morray to delve into the critical topic of niching in therapy. 

As they discuss the journey from being a generalist to identifying and embracing a niche, Elisabeth provides actionable insights for private practice owners looking to grow their businesses authentically. 

They explore the balance between general practice and specialization, how continuing education plays a critical role, and the fear of potentially losing clients by narrowing one’s focus.

Throughout the conversation, Elisabeth shares her career journey, from her early focus on eating disorders and women's health to her current roles at Alma and her private practice. 

This episode is packed with website ideas and insights related to niching down in therapy, the importance of finding a niche that resonates deeply with one's values, and how to market authentically. 

By highlighting real-world applications and personal experiences, Daniel and Elisabeth offer valuable guidance for therapists looking to elevate their practice.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Power of Continuing Education: Investing time in ongoing learning, both in familiar areas and new fields, can bridge the gap between interest and expertise.

  • Importance of Community: Building a network of professionals with shared interests can expand perspectives and provide support.

  • Balance Between Personal and Professional: Utilizing one's lived experiences and personal journey can deeply enhance professional practice and authenticity.

  • Flexibility in Niching: Adopting a niche doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing approach—therapists can pivot and evolve based on their experiences and seasons of their life.

  • Authentic Marketing: Sharing relatable, educational content on your website can resonate more with potential clients and help normalize their experiences.

Links mentioned in this episode:


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