Postcards from Italy | Learn Italian | Beginner and Intermediate podkast

Train Travel in Italy | Learn Italian | S1 Ep21

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In the last episode of Season 1, Julie and Dani leave Rome on a train bound for new adventures in Orvieto. Small talk – and a little argument – with fellow passengers adds more local Italian flair to their Italian journey.

In our roundtable, Elisa shares a pair of idioms, including the Italian equivalent of Julie’s favorite – “When in Rome…” – and another about the Mona Lisa. In our premium version, we get a stack of useful phrases for train travel in Italy.

But there’s more to Postcards from Italy! To get the most out of Season 1, subscribe to our premium online course for full episodes, transcripts, roundtable notes and Italian-only audio to test your listening and comprehension skills.

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