Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

I’m sure you often feel like ‘getting your kid regulated’ is a very important goal!

But- is it? Is regulated the goal? And is it possible to even consider these kinds of questions when we are parenting very dysregulated kids with very dangerous behaviors?

In this episode, you’ll learn

  • The difference between a moment of being regulated and having a regulated (balanced) nervous system
  • How regulation and dysregulation must coexist
  • Why thinking about any of this high-level stuff when you have REAL PROBLEMS TO REALLY ADDRESS can be helpful

Resources mentioned in this podcast:

Read the full transcript at: RobynGobbel.com/regulatedthegoal

Follow Me On:

Over on my website you can find:
Webinar and eBook on Focus on the Nervous System to Change Behavior (FREE)
eBook on The Brilliance of Attachment (FREE)
LOTS & LOTS of FREE Resources
Ongoing support, connection, and co-regulation for struggling parents: The Club
Year-Long Immersive & Holistic Training Program for Parenting Professionals: Being With

Due to the already overwhelming interest in the 2025 cohort of Being With (yes, 2025!!!) we are going to open up the first round of applications only to folks on the waiting list. You must be on the waiting list in order have access to th early application process!

Sign up at RobynGobbel.com/BeingWith

I'll be keynoting the Families Rising (formerly NACAC!) VIRTUAL conference this summer!

All the details are here: RobynGobbel.com/FamiliesRising

Want to pick Robyn's brain, hang out with her in Zoom meetings and a forum you can access in an app? Come join us in The Club!

Are you a professional who wants to support families of kids with big, baffling behaviors? Then Being With is for you!

Just need a little extra help? Head to RobynGobbel.com/FreeResources

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