Pair of Kings podkast

11.7 - OrchardCore and the Revival of NYC as a Fashion Epicenter

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Do przodu o 15 sekund

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New York has struggled to establish a young in-person community around fashion since the 2010's. It's finally returning. Join Sol and Michael as they explore the revitalization of the NYC fashion scene, which centers around Orchard Street in the Lower East side, and the brands, people, and spaces that are powering that change. The boys also chat about brands with cult followings, the ability to sell to a customer base, the explosion of Basketcase's 'look', what the fashion scene looked like in the 2010s, our wonderful friends at Komune, and how we're now seeing the results of younger designers finding their footing when it comes to designing and referencing the clothes they love without being derivative.

Hope you enjoy this episode - I think it's a great one!


Sol Thompson and Michael Smith explore the world and subcultures of fashion, interviewing creators, personalities, and industry insiders to highlight the new vanguard of the fashion world. Subscribe for weekly uploads of the podcast, and don’t forgot to follow us on our social channels for additional content, and join our discord to access what we’ve dubbed “the happiest place in fashion”.

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