Outer Limits Of Inner Truth podkast

Opening Galactic Consciousness with Eesha Patel

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Opening Galactic Consciousness with Eesha Patel Eesha Patel, the world’s foremost authority on first contact strategy and galactic consciousness, invites you to embark on a transformative journey beyond the ordinary. With over a decade of personal experience and research, Eesha is at the forefront of the global discussion about extraterrestrials, interdimensionality, and the profound link between consciousness and otherworldly experiences. Website link: Eesha Patel, first contact strategy, galactic consciousness, transformative journey, extraterrestrials, interdimensionality, consciousness and otherworldly experiences, global discussion, personal experience and research, forefront of extraterrestrial discussion

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