The One CA Podcast podkast

194: Doug Stevens on faith-based diplomacy

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Today Brian Hancock interviews Doug Stevens who is an expeditionary pastor, working faith-based diplomacy to improve international relations. The discussion is on his work travelling to partner nations to reach out to locals and leaders to overcome social trauma from war, genocide and help rebuild communities. 


One CA is a product of the civil affairs association 

and brings in people who are current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences on the ground with a partner nation's people and leadership.

We aim to inspire anyone interested in working in the "last three feet" of U.S. foreign relations. 

To contact the show, email us at [email protected] 

or look us up on the Civil Affairs Association website at www

Links mentioned: Hope international ministries:


Special thanks to Dimitar Dodovski for sampling Keith Jarrett's album Spirits 20. Retrieved from


Host: Brian Hancock

Edits: Jack Gaines


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