Never Stop The Madness - Black Metal Radio podkast

#643 - 11-26-24 - Messe des Morts Special

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
643 - Recorded live on November 26, 2024 Featuring artists performing at this year's Messe des Morts Festival in Montréal. More info can be found here: Ambience for the night: Count Valefar - Those of The Lost Sun **Playlist** 1) Asgard - Pagan Pilgrimage 2) Chamber of Unlight - One with the One 3) Merrimack - Wounds that Heal 4) Desolate - Grim Pathways **talk** 5) Dépérir - Black Beast 6) Naðra - Fjallið 7) Sargeist - Night of Sacred Wisdom 8) Necrophobic - Nordanvind **talk** 9) Marduk - Holy Blood, Holy Grail 10) Marduk - Christraping Black Metal Live every Tuesday at 9pm ET on

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