Navy SEAL Mindset podkast

Fitness Beyond Limits: A Navy SEAL's Guide to Overcoming Disability and Pain

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Welcome to the Navy SEAL Mindset, episode 020. In this episode, I share insights into my personal fitness journey, overcoming physical limitations, and the importance of exercise and nutrition. I discuss the challenges of staying fit while managing disabilities and pain, and how I adapt my workout routines to maintain physical and mental well-being.

Key Takeaways

  1. Overcoming Physical Limitations: Despite being rated over 250 percent disabled by Veteran Affairs, I emphasize the significance of pushing through pain and limitations to stay active and healthy.
  2. Importance of Exercise and Nutrition: I advocate for a balanced approach to fitness, focusing on higher protein and fat intake, and lower carbs, while stressing the necessity of weightlifting and physical activity for combating age-related muscle degradation.
  3. Early Athletic Experiences to SEAL Training: Reflecting on my early sports involvement and the journey towards becoming a Navy SEAL, I highlight the evolution of my fitness regimen and the rigorous training involved in SEAL preparation.
  4. Workout Routine in the SEAL Teams: Detailing the typical SEAL team workouts, I describe the balance of calisthenics, weightlifting, and cardio, and how this regimen shaped my approach to fitness.
  5. Transition to Civilian Life and Current Workout Routine: Post-retirement, I delve into how I built my home gym during COVID-19, and outline my current workout routine, adapting to injuries and focusing on full-body workouts for overall fitness.



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