Musicality Now podkast

243: Q&A: If playing music is like speaking a language - what about harmony?

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

If playing music is like speaking a language, how should we think about harmony, or playing two hands on piano?


We answer that question in this clip from the archive of live member Q&A calls at Musical U. Enjoy!



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Full Show Notes and Transcript: Episode 243


Links and Resources

Musicality Now - About the I, IV, V and vi Chords

Musicality Now - Choose Your Words Carefully, with Glory St. Germain (Ultimate Music Theory)

Musicality Now - In Perfect Swinging Harmony, with The Quebe Sisters

Introduction to Chord Progressions

What can you already play by ear? Harmony & Rhythm?

How To Sing Harmony Like A Pro





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