Music at a Rational Volume podkast

Christmas Music Out Of Left Field: The Weirdest Holiday Playlist

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In this episode Nate and Kyle send you into Christmas into the dying embers of the holiday season with some of the weirdest, strangest, and most unusual Christmas themed songs they could find... and that, is saying something. Listen along as the hosts try and justify their choices and help you understand why this playlist was put together. Then, you can sit down and enjoy a lengthy playlist full of new, and not always enjoyable, musical surprises.

This week's playlist: Christmas Outta Left Field

  1. A Weird Little Christmas - Jack Blanchard
  2. Chiron Beta Prime - Jonathan Coulton
  3. Christmas With the Devil – Spinal Tap
  4. I Want an Alien for Christmas – Fountains of Wayne
  5. Christmas Tree – Lady Gaga feat. Space Cowboy
  6. Happy Birthday – Mojo Nixon & the Toadliquors
  7. My First X-mas (as a Woman) – the Vandals
  8. Zombie Christmas – Emmy the Great & Tim Wheeler
  9. Santa Doesn’t Cop Out on Dope – Sonic Youth
  10. Deck the Stills – BNL
  11. Merry Something to You – Devo
  12. The Little Drum Machine Boy – Beck
  13. The Little Drum Machine Boy – Parralox
  14. Funkytown Christmas - Steven P. Greenberg
  15. “Hidden Track” - Nerf Herder
  16. Carol of the Fates - AtinPiano
  17. I Saw Mommy Biting Santa Clause: A Zombie Christmas Story: Dollyrots
  18. Jingle Bells – Austrian Death Machine
  19. Xmas Curtain – My Morning Jacket
  20. Christmas at the Zoo – the Flaming Lips
  21. Christmas Duel – the Hives w/Cyndi Lauper
  22. Feliz Navidad – William Shatner
  23. Careless Santa – They Might Be Giants
  24. Little Drummer Boy - Christopher Lee
  25. All I Want for Xmas is the Criss Angel Platinum Magic Kit with Over 250 Magic Tricks – Watch Out for Rockets
  26. Christmas is a Pain in the Arse – the Accelerators
  27. Elf Creep – the Rocket Summer
  28. It’s Christmas – Bouquet of Veal
  29. Do You Hear What I Hear? – Rosie O’Donnell & Elmo
  30. The Lord’s Prayer – the Beach Boys
  31. Hot Chocolate – Tom Hanks
  32. Jingle Bell Rock – Thousand Foot Krutch
  33. Don’t Shoot Me, Santa – the Killers
  34. (I Spent) Christmas with the Devil – MX-80
  35. Yuletide Throwdown – Blondie w/Fab 5 Freddy
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