MTG Grindcast podkast

Grindcast 379: Is Breach Hogaak? (with Abe Stein!)

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
This week! Abe Stein joins us off a top 64 finish in Portland with a deck that has risen to the top of the format, and we take his words and turn them into clickbait. Come for the hot takes on the modern format, stay for the thoughtful discussion of how to properly beat Breach. Thanks as always to Wave Sunray for our music! If you’d like to support the podcast, check out our patreon at Subscribers get swag and bonus content! And whether you subscribe or not, you’re invited to join our discord, where we’re building a community of friendly people all looking to improve at the game we love. Check it out here:

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