Mixology: The Mono/Stereo Mix Differences Podcast podkast

With The Beatles by The Beatles

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Hello Friends! It's Beatle time here on the show again, as we finally round out our look at all the catalog LPs in the Beatles canon with a look at 1963's With the Beatles. Originally issued in mono and stereo, this twin-track recording seems like a simple comparison on the surface - and yes, many of the tracks are - but there's some real hidden secrets in these mixes that demand your attention, including unique overdubs in each mix, alternate edit pieces used, and a couple of odd balance moments independent of each other. We also have a couple of curious international variations, one with some extraneous session sounds, and the other the fault of a tape machine. Of course, MONEY makes a completely worthy climax to this knock-out programme. Hope it doesn't leave you too breathless to flip back to Side One for a repeat-play session WITH THE BEATLES.

Happy Listening,



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