Mixology: The Mono/Stereo Mix Differences Podcast podkast

1962-1966 & 1967-1970 (Remixed and Expanded Editions) by The Beatles

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Hello Friends! Today on Mixology - you guessed it - we’re covering all the new remixes featured on the 2023 expanded and remixed editions of 1962-1966 & 1967-1970 by The Beatles - better known as the Red and Blue albums. Expanded to 3 LPs each and compiled entirely from either remixes done from 2015 to the present, or from brand new remixes, these LPs pack quite a punch, and these 36 brand new remixes make up our look today. Extending well over an hour, this is a deep dive into the many approaches taken to give this material a fresh shine, and help you understand exactly what makes these mixes different compared to their most recent or common mix options. 

Happy Listening,  Frederick

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