Mistakes That Made Me podkast

"Ignoring my cash flow almost cost me my business" with Sandra Booker

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Sandra Booker is a fractional COO and right-hand woman to some of the top 7-figure business owners I know.

In this episode, she shares her near-catastrophic business mistake of losing track of her cash flow, and she walks us through her strategies for managing finances, the lessons she’s learned, and money management advice for small business owners.

We also get into the difference between a virtual assistant and an online business manager, common hiring mistakes, and what to look out for when spending money on tools.

Links from the show:

Find the transcript of this episode on my site, emancopyco.com/podcast

If you loved this episode, take a screenshot, post it on Instagram, and tell everyone you know that this is the podcast to listen to. Don’t forget to tag me! @emancopyco


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