Minion Death Cult podkast

#653 How come nobodys talkin about what's going on in Colorado (preview)

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

TODAY: In a liberal's wet dream, prominent conservative pundits are revealed to be on the payroll of actual Russian agents.

We revisit some of their hits and wonder how we can secure a similar bag.

PLUS: We look into one of the many hoaxes being pushed this election season: Venezuelan Drug Landlords.

We listen to a viral Tik Tok about the supposed gang takeover and follow the thread to the actual story: Venezuelan refugees being exploited by an absentee Slumlord who hired a PR firm to spread this story.

See Minion Death Cult LIVE in Seattle on 10/18 w/Bryan Quinby doing commentary over an insane movie we have covered on this show but you have probably not seen

Sign up at for $5/month and get 2 bonus episodes a week

And join Alex for an evening of Means TV comedy on 10/10 programmed by director Chris Bell featuring Anarcho-dad sketch comedy, maniacally bloody music videos, investigations of 16-bit communal spaces, stoner professor instruction on meme creation, and greasy weirdo talk shows

Listen to Close Other Tabs w/Ani and Alex on Apple PodcastsSpotifyPodcast Addict, or wherever you get podcasts


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