Meeple2Meeple podkast

E99. Estate: Raise the Realm - an interview with Kathryn Hahn

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Welcome to Meeple2Meeple Episode 99 (99!) where PJ and Gareth chat to Kathryn Hahn from Grod Games to talk about their upcoming Kickstarter campaign for her joint design Estate: Raise the Realm. Kathryn shares an overview of the game, the design process, Kickstarter readiness and some thoughts of future games. PJ and Gareth have both been fortunate to play a solid prototype and share their thoughts also.

Big thanks to Kathryn for sharing her boardgame passion and development stories!


Meeple2Meeple - your regular boardgame fix via a podcast in only 30 minutes!

IG: @Meeple2Meeple

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