Makers Mindset podkast

In conversation with Michelle Cordeiro Grant, Founder and CEO of GORGIE

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Michelle Cordeiro Grant is a serial entrepreneur, brand builder and innovator.  After spending the tenure of her career at household names in the retail industry, she moved into the startup world. In 2016, she founded LIVELY, a Leisurée brand inspiring women to live passionately, purposefully and confidently. In three years, she grew the brand from concept to 5 stores, 165,000+ ambassadors, and $105M acquisition. In 2022, Michelle founded her next venture, GORGIE, an energy drink brand. Michelle and Nancy dive into the experience of selling a business, the power of collaboration, as well as diving into Michelle’s wellness journey. 

Follow Michelle: @the_michellegrant

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Instagram: @nancytwine

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