Living Clutter Free Forever - decluttering tips, professional organizing, minimalist living podkast

What to do once you have organized you home (How to prevent the clutter creeping back in) #114

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Why does the clutter come back? You've decluttered, organized, and set up systems, yet six months later, it's all back. Sound familiar?

I know what your struggles are. I've been where you are, and that's why I've made today's episode. 

In my membership, Clutter Free Collective, we're always working on habit changes to keep clutter at bay. But for most people, clutter creep is a real issue. Today, I want to talk about why it happens and how to stop it.

Why does the clutter come back? Why do we have clutter in the first place? It’s essential to understand the psychology behind clutter. Emotional attachment, decision fatigue, discomfort with change, and cognitive overload all play a part. These reasons can leave us feeling overwhelmed and make it hard to maintain an organized space.

But there’s hope! Imagine living in a clutter-free home where everything has its place. Think about how much easier life would be without the constant stress of tidying up. This episode could be life-changing for you. It’s time to break free from the cycle of clutter and embrace lasting organization.

Curious about the secret to keeping your home clutter-free? Want to know the strategic steps to prevent clutter from creeping back in? Join me as I reveal the tips and tricks that can transform your space and your life. Tune in to discover how to set up a daily reset routine, adopt a one-in-one-out rule, schedule regular decluttering sessions, and more.

Don't let clutter take over your home again. You deserve a space that sparks joy and supports your ideal lifestyle. Listen now and take the first step towards a clutter-free, organized home!
Links mentioned in this episode:
Clutter Free Collective - join my amazing online membership
Episode 102 Are you suffering from decision fatigue? How to decide what to keep, donate or discard

I would LOVE to hear from you. Text Message me here.

Join my FREE workshop Family Clutter Reset 5 Tricks to Get Everyone Tidying (and Loving It!) HERE

Thanks for listening! For more organizational motivation, support and free resources:
Join my online membership Clutter Free Collective
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Follow me on Facebook @carolineorganizer

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