Live Unrestricted - The Intuitive Eating & Food Freedom Podcast podkast

113. The Most Effective Way To Be Confident and Boost Your Belief In Yourself

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Have you ever felt frustrated because you know you WANT to change, but there's a part of you that doesn't feel like it's actually possible for you to change? If so, this episode is for you.

Low self-confidence can sound like...

"I can't ever stick to anything"

"It's possible for other people, but not for me"

"I fail every time I try to change"

If you've ever had any of those thoughts, there's a good chance that THIS is the hidden reason why you've been struggling to create real, lasting change in your life and habits. 

You're about to learn why change doesn't require willpower or motivation, but actually, your subconscious beliefs have the power to make or break your confidence and ability to change.

In this episode, we’ll uncover the subconscious blocks that have been holding you back, how they were formed, and—most importantly—how to reprogram them so you can finally step into the confident, empowered version of yourself.


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