Kingdom Rock Radio podkast

Prayer and Peace: Part 2

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Last week, we started talking about the connection between prayer and peace. The foundational truth of this message was that you can pray or worry, but you can’t do both. We discovered that prayer isn’t about persuasion; it’s about permission. It’s not about convincing God to move on your behalf; it’s about surrendering control of it to Him. Additionally, we found out that God wants us to pray about our own struggles with worry and anxiety just as much as He wants us to pray for other people and situations. This week, we’re going to continue exploring prayer and peace, but first, we need to revisit some of the other things we discussed in Part 1. We learned that prayer is power, the path to peace and progress, but these things are universally true. In 1 Kings 18, the prophets of Baal prayed earnestly and sincerely, but nothing happened. There was no power in their prayer. As we dive into Part 2, the central truth for us is that prayer’s power is in direct proportion to the power of the One to Whom we are praying.

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