KeyLIME+ podkast

[6] Part 2 “The good, the bad, and the future of CBME”

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This episode is Part 2 of a live recording with Dr. Shiphra Ginsburg and Dr. David Taylor as they discuss their perspectives on CBME. In part 2, we touch on the assessment burden in CBME as well as the tone of the discourse around CBME in the literature.  Adam moderates the discussion and provides his take on the topics covered at the end. 

Length of Episode: 38 minutes  

Resources to check out : 

Ott, M. C., Pack, R., Cristancho, S., Chin, M., Van Koughnett, J. A., & Ott, M. (2022). “The most crushing thing”: understanding resident assessment burden in a competency-based curriculum. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 14(5), 583-592. 

Boyd VA, Whitehead CR, Thille P, Ginsburg S, Brydges R, Kuper A. Competency-based medical education: the discourse of infallibility. Med Educ. 2018 Jan;52(1):45-57. doi: 10.1111/medu.13467. Epub 2017 Oct 27. PMID: 29076231. 

Contact us: [email protected]  

Follow: Dr. Adam Szulewski  

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