Intuitively You podkast

083. Why it Feels SO Hard to Stop Binge Eating

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

“Why can’t I stop binge eating?!” – Something you may have asked yourself many times before, just as my past self did too. It can feel beyond frustrating to feel out of control with food and like you can’t stop this habit of binge eating. 

I’m here to let you know that it IS possible to stop binge eating. And in this episode, I’m going to help you uncover some things that may be keeping you from actually stopping binge eating.

In this episode, we chat about: 

  • 6 reasons why it feels so hard to stop binge eating
  • How to escape the binge eating cycle
  • The 3 things you should be focusing on 
  • Habits loops and a little neuroscience of binges
  • Getting the support you need to finally overcome binge eating


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