Intuitively You podkast

082. 5 Things I Wish I Could Tell Myself a Decade Ago

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

A decade ago I was in the *thick* of things with my binge eating & dieting struggles. It felt like I was pushing a boulder up a mountain that had no peak, and the boulder kept slipping, and getting bigger and bigger, and harder to push, as I went. It was exhausting. 

I was so tired of trying to eat so "good" and “healthy," only to end up eating everything in the pantry until I felt sick to my stomach. 


Knowing what I know now, there are SO many things that I wish I could go back and tell that younger version of myself. And I'm here to support YOU the best I can, so I'm trusting that in sharing this, some of these messages will be just what you need to hear now as well.

In this episode, we chat about: 

  • What my relationship with food looked like a decade ago 
  • 5 things I wish I knew a decade ago 
  • How you can use this healing and knowledge for your benefit to improve your relationship with food, your body, and yourself 
  • My 50% OFF birthday SALE for you (July 8th, 2024 only) 👀

Other Episodes Mentioned: 


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