Intuitively You podkast

058. Are You Doing These Intuitive Eating Mistakes? with Elizabeth Hall

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Feel like you’re working on intuitive eating but stuck? Like you’re spinning your wheels and not getting anywhere? Or even like you’re going backwards? In this episode our guest, Elizabeth Hall, chats with us about the top 3 “mistakes” that people often make when it comes to intuitive eating.

The word "mistake" is one we can all relate to, but these are not really mistakes (since there’s no such thing as failure here!) they’re just areas that you may have a lack of awareness in. If you’re ready to make your intuitive eating journey a little smoother, this episode is for you! 

We chat about: 

  • Elizabeth’s personal self-growth journey & relationship with food healing 
  • How to stop approaching intuitive eating like another diet
  • Tapping into your energy & intuition to guide you
  • Looking at root causes instead of just trying strategies you think you “should” 
  • How to reconnect with your body 
  • Fostering a sense of safety in your body to support healing 
  • The Body Confident Woman Summit & why you want to join for free!


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