In Two Deep podkast

15: Breaking Out of the Status Quo in Relationship

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

“Why do people break up, and then turn around and make up?” Al Green sings in “Let’s Stay Together." Is there an intelligence behind the cycle of coming together, coming apart, and then coming back together again?

Yes, there is! In addition to our powerful efforts to make a forever break from an unhealthy relationship, we all look to create a place of security and safety—a place that allows us to deeply bond—and then we shake the walls of that safety so that we can be a yet more whole version of ourselves. 

In short, we create a “status quo” made from a multitude of conscious and unconscious agreements which support a sense of harmony and security but at another moment become a box that we seek to break out of. Sometimes this 'breaking out’ is done less consciously through arguments, affairs,  addictions, or acting outside of our agreed upon way of relating. But we can learn to break out more consciously by taking intentional steps towards deepening of our relationship’s emotional intimacy.

Join us for a lively, deep, and playful conversation on the making and breaking of the bonds that bind us.

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