In Her Wallet podkast

65. Is Tipping Culture Getting Out of Control? Unspoken Rules Around Tipping & How to Approach It Today

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In episode 65 of the In Her Wallet Podcast, we're diving into the world of tipping culture. It's a tradition with deep roots that's facing rapid changes in today's society. Sofiia takes you on a journey to discover the origins of tipping and why it's sparking debates now more than ever. Ever wondered about the 'right' amount to tip or why we're suddenly tipping in places we never thought we would? We've got you covered. This episode tackles these burning questions and provides actionable tips for consumers and businesses alike, aiming to ease the stress around tipping practices. Join Sofiia as she tackles the critical question: Has tipping culture gone too far?

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