I Heart My Life Show podkast

Soul Statements: Communication, Empathy, and Inner Truth with Corey Lyon Folsom

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In this episode of The I Heart My Life Show, Emily Williams is joined by Corey Lyon Folsom, NLP practitioner, relationship coach, and author of Soul Statements: A Love Coach’s Guide to Successful Communication. Corey shares his inspiring journey from shy and reserved beginnings to becoming an advocate for self-honesty and transformative communication.

The conversation explores the power of “soul statements” — a unique approach to affirming one’s core truths — and how they differ from traditional affirmations. Corey delves into the importance of empathy, both in relationships and within ourselves, and offers practical tips for cultivating stillness and authenticity.

From overcoming fear of embarrassment to discovering inner alignment, this episode is a treasure trove of insights for anyone looking to deepen their self-awareness and improve their relationships.

Key Takeaways

The significance of “soul statements” and how they ground you in present-time truths.

Why empathy starts with self-acknowledgment and creates space for better communication.

The power of stillness in reconnecting with your true self and accessing clarity.

How to shift from people-pleasing to living authentically by embracing self-honesty.

The role of intentionality in daily practices like journaling, meditation, and movement.

Host, Emily Williams is a success coach, author, speaker, and CEO of multiple brands.

After falling into a quarter-life crisis and struggling through a string of low-paying jobs (including serving up lattes at Starbucks), she finally decided it was time to follow her heart. So she packed her bags, moved to London (where she knew no one), and launched her own coaching business, I Heart My Life (without knowing if she’d ever make a dime). And that’s when her whole life changed course.

In her first month in business, Emily earned $442. She then went on to hit 6 figures before her 30th birthday, and—after just 18 months—successfully scaled what she'd started to a multi-million dollar empire.

Today, she remains the CEO of I Heart My Life, which has evolved into a media, educational and lifestyle brand through which she carries out her mission of helping thousands of women worldwide to create a life better than their dreams. 

Connect with Emily on her websites: 

I Heart My Life Website

Emily Williams Website

And on socials: 

I Heart My Life on Instagram

I Heart My Life on Facebook

I Heart My Life on LinkedIn

Emily on Instagram

The guest on this episode is Corey Lyon Folsom, a certified NLP practitioner and relationship coach who helps people increase soulfulness, clarity and ease. He’s also been a professional tracker, aboriginal skills instructor, wilderness guide for newly sober people and vision quest leader. 

After a spiritual soul-awakening, Corey participated in Ipsalu, Source School of Tantra Yoga, Love Coach Academy, Tony Robbins and other programs. Corey's passionate about helping people expand their empathy and communication skills.

His award-winning book, Soul Statements: A Love Coach’s Guide to Successful Communication, is a practical guide for making small shifts that produce outsized benefits in life and love.

Get a copy of Corey’s Book: 


And connect with him online: 

Instagram ~ https://instagram.com/coreylyonfolsom

Pinterest ~ https://www.pinterest.com/lovecoachcorey/

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