Humans of Purpose podkast

334 Steve Davis: Living Well

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Do przodu o 15 sekund
Steve Davis This week on the podcast, I’m thrilled to bring you my conversation with Steve Davis, otherwise known as my dad!  Dad and I are very close and this is really an informal conversation where I wanted to ask dad some of the biggest things he's learned about living well as he recently turned 75, despite appearing as though he is in his 50s.  Professor Stephen Davis AO is the Professor of Translational Neuroscience at the University of Melbourne, Director of the Melbourne Brain Centre at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and Co-Chair of the Australian Stroke Alliance.   His research is focussed on acute therapy for both ischemic stroke and intracerebral hemorrhage, particularly the use of advanced imaging in selection of therapy. He is a consulting editor for Stroke and serves on editorial boards of the International Journal of Stroke, the European Stroke Journal and the Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. Learn more about Dad’s career to date check out Episode 200.

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