Imagining Tomorrow podkast

How to Save the Planet | What does a green future look like?

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

An episode from Friends of the Earth podcast series, How to Save the Planet.

As we make our way through the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a lot of talk of building back better and a new normal. We have heard campaigners and politicians talking about a green and fair recovery or a green new deal. But what do any of these things really mean? What parts of our society need to change? What would that look like in your life? 

This episode kicks off the new year with a new series and a new presenter. Joing Danny and Isobel as they talk to Connor, a Friends of the Earth climate lead, about what a "Green and Fair Recovery" actually is and outline the topics we'll be diving into over the coming months.


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