Hard Men Podcast podkast

Fighter Pilot: Robin Olds & The Softening of the Air Force with Ethan Senn

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

As the U.S. military has pushed the leftist agenda, it has inevitably emasculated and weakened itself. While the Air Force, for example, used to be a place for hard men like Robin Olds, one of the most decorated fighter pilots of all time, now it's just another bastion of DEI stupidity and Covid nonsense. In turn, like other branches, it has driven away the real men and American patriots who once made it great.

In this episode we'll talk with Ethan Senn, Chief of Staff at New Christendom Press, about his ten years in the Air Force as an A-10 pilot. Eventually Ethan was kicked out of the military for refusing to wear a mask during The Great Shamdemic.

We also talk Top Gun 2, real life Mavericks, and the need for fathers to teach their sons the martial virtues, something the military doesn't really do anymore.

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