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Risk of Rain returns and in threeeee deeeeee! One of the most popular rogue games ever closes out season 2 of our podcast this year by dropping into a chaotic swarm of low-poly, monster-infested lands backed by screaming synth guitar sounds. From multiplayer near-victories, to solo-play over confidence, Risk of Rain 2 is a Bundle of Fireworks to send us off into the holiday season for some Bison Steaks and Energy Drinks. Custom RSS Apple Podcasts Spotify YouTube Music 1:42 - game stats 3:35 - one sentence description 35:24 - our story begins 1:14:20 - rankings and final thoughts 1:22:14 - similar games As discussed in the outro, Scott has recorded a bunch of tutorial videos with Caves of Qud youtuber BigSimple which you can find here! Stay tuned for our coverage on it next season! Next episode: Omegabowl 2: The 2024 GROGPOD Roguelike Playoffs Contact us at [email protected]! https://grogpod.zone Intro music: Seatbelts - Tank! Outro music: Chris Christodoulou - …con lentitud poderosa

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