Greatest Movie Of All-Time podkast

In the Heat of the Night (1967) Revisit

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Dana and Tom revisit In the Heat of the Night (1967): directed by Norman Jewison, written by Sterling Silliphant, score by Quincy Jones, starring Sidney Poitier, Rod Steiger, Warren Oates, and Lee Grant.

Plot Summary: In the Heat of the Night (1967) is a taut, incisive drama that explores the collision of justice and racial prejudice in the Deep South. Sidney Poitier stars as Virgil Tibbs, a Philadelphia detective who reluctantly teams up with a bigoted small-town sheriff, played by Rod Steiger, to solve a murder in Sparta, Mississippi.

Director Norman Jewison builds a gripping procedural around the tension between these two men, each forced to confront his own biases in the face of a shared goal. With its evocative cinematography, unforgettable moments of confrontation, and Quincy Jones' soulful score, In the Heat of the Night transcends the confines of a murder mystery. It is a film of deep moral resonance, one that holds a mirror to America's struggles with race, power, and reconciliation—while delivering a narrative as electrifying as it is humane.


00:00 Introduction and Welcome

01:14 Cast and Recognition for In the Heat of the Night

03:23 Relationship(s) to In the Heat of the Night

07:21 What is In the Heat of the Night About?

14:13 Plot Summary for In the Heat of the Night

17:06 First Break

17:55 Ask Dana Anything

18:40 The Stanley Rubric - Legacy

22:05 The Stanley Rubric - Impact/Significance

25:07 The Stanley Rubric - Novelty

34:07 Second Break

34:17 In Memoriam

35:20 The Stanley Rubric - Classicness

41:49 The Stanley Rubric - Rewatchability

44:23 The Stanley Rubric - Audience Score and Final Total

46:12 Remaining Questions for In the Heat of the Night

48:44 Where the List Stands at the End of Season 5

52:54 Remaining Thoughts for Season 5

58:32 Credits

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In the Heat of the Night, race relations, Sidney Poitier, film analysis, classic films, podcast, movie review, Best Picture, 1967, cultural impact

Ronny Duncan Studios

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