Going Linux podkast

Going Linux #458 · Listener Feedback

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Bill updates us on his distro hopping and asks for help with his Dexcom data. Sean provides oodles of recommendations. Reid’s new computer rivals Larry’s. Nancy writes a book you need to buy! David comments on our new theme music – sort of. Bhiku comments on questions from episode 451.

Episode Time Stamps
00:00 Going Linux #458 · Listener Feedback
01:57 Sound Cloud
04:43 Update on Manjaro
06:11 Dexcom: Is there a way to access and export the data on Linux?
10:17 Sean: Recommendations Part 1
11:44 SoX - Swiss Army Knife for audio
14:34 wget
16:23 curl
16:56 Midnight Commander
20:31 Weather widgets and applets recommendations request
28:33 NVIDIA 950
33:25 Sean: Part 2
42:46 Reid: New and Light Is Good! HP and System76
52:51 Nancy: Shameless plug for her book, Your Data, Your Devices, and You: Easy-to-Follow Instructions to Reduce Your Risk of Data Loss, Device Infection, and Identity Theft
59:15 David doesn't comment on our new theme music
59:46 David does comment on the new theme music
63:06 Bhiku: Feedback on episode 451 questions
68:58 Bhiku has more feedback on 451
71:45 goinginuxl.com, [email protected], +1-904-468-7889, @goinglinux, feedback, liste,n subscribe
72:52 End

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