GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki podkast

How to Hear the Divine Sound in Meditation, and Why It's (t)Here.

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

"Humble yourselves under the mighty power of God,

and at the right time He will lift you up in honor."*

Lift those hands up,

palms up,

give all your worries and cares to God.

Give everything to God.

Don't touch anything.

Don't even touch that body with its hands up.

That's not you.

You're aware of that one, too.

You're just feeling that one, 

sensing that one, 

experiencing that one.

But it's not you. 

You're the Son,

the Radiating,

the Resurrecting,

the Full One, 

the Never-Setting One, 

never settling...

the Destined. 

I Love you, 


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"Keep your feet on the ground, your head in the cosmos, and your body in purity and silence; then, you will see everything in a completely different way. Have your head in the immensity, in the knowledgeless, and your heart in greatness, and you wil discover the blue sky, the soul and all of the stars." It is for this reason that, in churches, she is often represented with her feet on the ground, wearing a cloak scattered with stars, with a serpent at her feet." - Mary the Essene Virgin

*Hebrews 13:5

"The moon doesn't go through phases.
Our perspective of the moon goes through phases. No matter what the calendar says, the moon is always full. Regardless of someone's opinion, perspective, or inability to see it as whole and complete, the moon is unapologetically full. I find wisdom and strength in this truth."
-Steve Maraboli

"If you listen carefully to the sounds around you, you’re likely to hear a continuous, high-pitched inner sound like white noise in the background. It is a sound that is beginningless and endless. It is called nada. Perhaps, that’s what you are hearing. Let it go on, just turn your attention to it and listen more intently until it becomes a continuous shimmering silvery stream.
It helps us see the entirety of our physical, mental and emotional world, like a cinema. The background music is that buzz (it may change to some other sound later). Don't worry about the academics or theories or fanciful names about it. Just listen in. You hear it in meditation and then hearing it itself becomes your meditation." - Reddit Board

"To me came the Sound incomparable, which comes Neither from within, nor from without.
Neither does it come from the left, nor from the right, Nor from the back, nor from the front.
You will ask then, whence does it come?
It comes from the direction you are seeking to go.
You will ask then, which way shall I face?-
The side from which the bridegroom cometh.
That direction whence ripeness comes to fruit;
That direction from which stones become diamonds.
Be silent and listen to the five sounds from Heaven, The Heaven which is beyond all senses and directions.
Every moment of life this wondrous Sound
Reaches down from the courts of Heaven.
Fortunate above all the children of men
Is he who hears its enchanting melodies." - Kabir 

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