GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikki podkast

Come Out of Hiding

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

I'm away from home because of Hurricane Helene (mandatory evac, mandatory vacay), but I'm here, and *in my Prince voice* my mic is on! I love you! 


It's time. 

To come out of hiding,

and to step into your destiny (into Love). 

You know it's time; that's why you're so uncomfortable, 

and also sleepy. 

You're not that sleepy, 

you're uninspired. 

You're not doing what you came here to do. 

And right now, that will look like you doing what you have to do to pay those bills, 

while feeling Him, 

while smiling through squinty eyes,

half seeing the world,

but fully feeling Him, 

until you see more of Him , 

more of Your purpose unfolding all around you. 

I Love you,


Lahiri Mahasaya - image


My new book, 'Wake Up to Love' is a lifetime in the making (and now a Top New Release, thanks to you!).
Divinely inspired.
Love led.
And WILL bring forth the ‘more’ in you. ❤️‍🔥

I couldn’t be more grateful to share this work that Love has brought forth through me. Head over to for the preorder information and instant downloads of my favorite prayers and practices I’ve recorded exclusively for you (including my Secret Rosary and the Emergency Novena)!  You’ll also be entered to win an in-person, one-on-one meditation with me! I’ll fly out to your city (U.S. only) for a chai and chat, and we’ll pray together.✈️



"The real smile is the smile of bliss that comes when you meditate, when you feel the joy of God's presence. That is the smile on Lahiri Mahasaya's face. He is seeing the world partially, but seeing God fully. My smile comes from a joy deep within my being, a joy that you also may attain. Like a fragrance it oozes out from the core of the blossoming soul. This joy calls others to bathe in its waters of divine bliss." -Paramahansa Yogananda 

"The scary part about asking God to guide you is that you have to be ready for whatever that looks like, even if it's not what you want." - @LuthandoXoyana

"It is by acting as channels for the divine that the divine blesses us, too." - MumbaiAnanda

"BROKEN VESSLES- somedays broken somedays whole but always a vessel that God can use" - @wildflowerpages

"When work is an idol, rest feels like a sin. Let that sink in." -@convoswithkalia

"Surrender your thoughts, your mind, your ego, to the current that knows the way. It will take care of you." - Ramana Maharshi

"This is a crucial period in this course, for here the separation of you and the ego must be made complete. For if you have the means to let the Holy Spirit's purpose be accomplished, they can be used. And through their use will you gain faith in them. Yet to the ego this must be impossible, and no one undertakes to do what holds no hope of ever being done. § You_ know what your Creator wills is possible, but what you made believes it is not so. Now must you choose between yourself and an illusion of yourself. Not both, but one. There is no point in trying to avoid this one decision. *It must be made. Faith and belief can fall to either side, but reason tells you misery lies only on one side and joy upon the other." - ACIM

"It is not the alarm clock that wakes you up, it's the grace of God." - unknown

"O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything." - Father Dolindo 

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