Gaytriarchs: A Gay Dads Podcast podkast

The one with attorney Rachel Loftspring

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

This week, David makes a date with a girl and it doesn't go to plan, we open up the Gaytriarchs mailbag, Gavin finally has some good gay news for once, we admit to the top 3 New Years resolutions we've already given up on, and our guest this week is mother, attorney, author, and Ohio'ian Rachel Loftspring who talks to us about her new book, why she got into family law, and what we can do to better prepare ourselves for the next administration.

Questions? Comments? Rants? Raves? Send them to [email protected], or you can DM us anywhere @GaytriarchsPodcast

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