Foreign Policy Live podkast

Why the World Is So Polarized Over Gaza

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
How history will weigh the war in Gaza, with author Pankaj Mishra. Mishra recently previewed his new book on the subject with Foreign Policy, in a piece titled “How Gaza Shattered the West’s Mythology.” He shares more now with Ravi Agrawal. Suggested reading (FP links are paywall-free): Pankaj Mishra: The World After Gaza: A History Pankaj Mishra: How Gaza Shattered the West’s Mythology David E. Rosenberg: Why Gaza Is Israel’s Forever War Ran Greenstein: Settler Colonialism Isn’t What You Think It Is Howard W. French: Why Are We Ignoring Human Rights Criticism of Israel? FP Contributors: What Trump’s Gaza Plan Means for the World Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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