Fixable podkast

How do I move fast without breaking things? (Re-release)

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Moving fast is essential for companies to do well, especially if they're just starting out, but so making thoughtful, informed decisions. This week, Anne and Frances talk to the head of strategy at a small food startup to help her navigate how to balance thinking things through with and making quick decisions required of her. Anne and Frances help discover how reframing this issue from one of speed to one of trust allows for max productivity in the listener's decision-making processes. 

Brand new episodes of Fixable will be back next week!

If you want to be on Fixable, call our hotline at 234-Fixable (that's 234-349-2253) to leave Anne and Frances a voicemail with your workplace problem or email [email protected]

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