Feed Your Wild with Venessa Rodriguez podkast

Ep. 328 The 3 Pillars of Intuitive Mastery That Align You With Your Soul Gifts and Calling As An Intuitive Healer

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Join me as I share the the 3 *essential pillars* of Intuitive Mastery that are required to fully connect with, embody and express your gifts effortlessly. These were the exact pillars I guided with my mentorship member that took her from afraid and doubting her intuitive gifts to embodying her gift as an intuitive medium and powerfully integrating her gifts within her psychotherapy healing work within 3 months of working together. 

Cosmic Gifts Clarity Blueprint Workshop 🌟

To get instant-access deep dive into all three pillars, including:

✨ Decoding your gifts with specific astrological healer signatures + archetypes
✨ Full intuitive activation process
✨ Essential embodiment practices

✨LEARN MORE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/cosmicgifts

Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway 🦋 

Inside Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway, I’ll teach you the exact intuitive healing practice frameworks that expand your intuitive connection, clear mindset & energetic blocks, and design your soul-aligned and divinely-guided practice that will make massive impact for your Self, clients, patients, & the world.

Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway is my highest-level group mentorship program for practitioners ready to fully express their intuitive gifts and create a transformative healing practice they love.

If you would love access to the $1K Consciousness Recalibration & Activation Program for Healers I shared in today’s training simply DM me PATHWAY for the details or click the link below to learn more:

✨LEARN MORE: https://www.wildlyrooted.com/apply

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