World Questions podkast

World Questions: Chile

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

World Questions is in Chile with a public audience and a panel of politicians and thinkers to debate the future of the country. They address the big issues: the rewriting of the nation’s constitution, immigration, crime and policing, economic growth, social justice – and the legacy of the Pinochet era.

The panel: Lorena Fries: Member of the governing coalition Ignacio Briones: Former Minister of Finance Alejandra Matus: Author and academic Jose de Gregorio: Dean of Economics and Business at the University of Chile

Presenter: Jonny Dymond Producer: Helen Towner Sound Engineers: Kate Barker and Ian Mitchell

BBC World Questions is a series of international events created in partnership with the British Council, which connects the UK and the world through arts, culture, education and the English language.

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