Energized with Dr. Mariza podkast

BONUS: 5 Simple Rules That Will Make the Biggest Impact on Your Health

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Do you have a habit or ritual in your life that makes a huge, positive difference in your day and in your life?  I certainly have a few that I do almost every single day because the juice is worth the squeeze. But as you continue to develop new healthy habits, there are a few research-backed ground rules that can help get you started. Catch today’s podcast for the top 5 rules that, when followed consistently, can make a huge impact on your energy levels, metabolism, and general well-being–and learn:  My top habits and rituals for a better life An epic resource to help you level up your game in every way The best drink swaps When and how to snack  When to stop eating for the day and why What to do after dinner that will dramatically improve your life The one exercise you should be prioritizing Mentioned in This Episode Gluco Support – The Blood Sugar-Balancer  Additional Resources Top 10 Self-Care Rituals for Today’s Woman Health Hack: The One Thing Every Woman Should Do After Dinner Episode #414: The Best Time to Intermittent Fast During the Day to Boost Your Metabolism and Balance Your Blood Sugar Episode #399: 5 Easy Snacks that Won’t Spike Your Blood Sugar

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