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Why You Should Value a Positive Attitude Before Skills At Work

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You should value a positive attitude before skills at work. I am going to explain why this is so important as an employee and as a manager thinking about who to promote and who to recruit.

Work on your positive attitude. I share lots of tips of what to do and what to look for to build positive team cultures and get the best from your team in the process.

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Most team members appreciate a teammate with a positive attitude at work. Positivity lifts everyone up and creates a nicer working atmosphere. It is so important to develop and maintain a positive attitude at work. This is great for teams and for individuals.

I share 5 signs or behaviours that indicate a positive attitude plus plenty of tips of how to be positive at work and stay positive at work. 

The more you have a positive mindset at work, the more likely colleagues will be positive towards you. Being positive is more likely to result in better relationships and receiving more help from those around you. This is brilliant recipe for being personally more effective at work. In addition, those that have a positive attitude are much more likely to get promoted at work. It pays to develop a positive attitude before skills at work.

Next, for managers, it pays stay positive at workplace to demonstrate how you would like your team to behave and operate. Creating a positive team culture starts with the leader and their decisions, actions and behaviours. Always focus on being positive at work. I also share 7 key benefits you will have from creating a positive team culture. Take a look at the links above for more details on how to motivate teams. 

Finally, when recruiting staff - put attitude before skills at work. You can teach skills. It is very hard to change a person’s attitude. This is why it is so important to focus a good portion of your time during the recruitment process working out what character traits the candidates have and how positively or otherwise they view the world. 

If you have any question on “Why You Should Value a Positive Attitude Before Skills At Work”, please email me at [email protected] and I will get back to you.

Jess Coles


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