Empowered Patient Podcast podkast

Regeneration in the CNS to Recover Function from Spinal Cord Injury with Dr. Monica Perez Shirley Ryan AbilityLab

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Dr. Monica Perez, the Scientific Chair at the Arms and Hands Lab at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab and Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Northwestern University, is focused on developing drugs and strategies for treating those with spinal cord injuries. With no FDA-approved treatment, the current standard of care is surgery and physical rehabilitation, depending upon the location of the injury and cause. The AbilityLab is conducting a clinical trial with NVG-291, which targets the body's natural inhibitors for repair, regenerates neurons in the CNS, and aims to improve connections disrupted by spinal cord injury. Exercise is also a component of this treatment to improve outcomes.  

Monica explains, "The experiment we’re running today at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab is the first of its kind study because we’re using a medication that we have evidence in animal studies that actually can improve regeneration in the central nervous system and contribute at least to enhance recovery of function. This is NVG-291, a medication that targets the body’s natural inhibitors for repair. And that, in theory, is supposed to improve connections disrupted by a spinal cord injury."

"We are working with NervGen Pharma, a company that provides the medication. This is an injection. Our patients receive 84 injections during the trial. This is a randomized placebo-controlled trial, so they can receive either the real medication or a placebo medication, which is followed by exercise rehabilitation. So, it’s pharmacology - the medication targets the body’s natural inhibitors of repair, aiming to enhance the repair of connections that were affected by a spinal cord injury."

#SRAbilityLab #SpinalCordInjury #NervGenPharma #CNS #CentralNervousSystem #Rehabilitation


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