Eidolon Playtest podkast

Eidolon SKA #35: Too Much Attitude

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
"I can't explain, these attempts they drain, but I can't give in, all efforts will be spent in vain." CREDITS: Lexi Waltner as Kacey Chambers Maxie Knightley as Solaris Apogee LVII 4th House AKA Solo Crystal Zaslavchik as Jake & Naomi Shirogorov Zoe Tunnell as Charlotte "Charlie" O'Neil Molly Rhinebeck as Regina Rosenthal Haley Holst as The GM Iris Christianson as Haley Holst Guest Starring Luke Varner as VOID MOOSE MUSIC BY MAXIE KNIGHTLEY EDITED BY LUKE VARNER AND MOLLY RHINEBECK CONTENT WARNING: This episode features gun violence.

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