Eidolon Playtest podkast

Eidolon EDM #2: Hyperparasite Hype Train

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patreon.com/eidolonplaytest xXx[FinDom]xXx wrote (02:19a LST): oh wow what a surprise that this board's queen of comphet would think starcadia's argument held any fucking water. "but the solar empire has been safeguarding that star system for centuries!" says the dumbass who apparently doesn't know what refugees are. this shit is why no one likes humanity. you can't even fucking stand being around each other! bunch of apes have their dna take a wrong turn and become tool-moded land-cucks who make up nonsense words like "de jure" to dress up their insatiable bloodlust. fucking evolutionary dead-end is what you are. it's a shame Aurelia's attempts to assassinate rembrandt in the first season didn't work. mark my words, she's gonna return in an episode or two to commit even worse atrocities against the crown. it'll be so funny. CREDITS: Zoe Tunnell as Genevieve St. Cloud Tyberius Wilson as Bridgerton Larch Iris Christianson as Trace Vector Crystal Zaslavchik as Leila Marino Luke Varner as The GM MUSIC BY MAX KNIGHTLEY EDITED BY CRYSTAL ZASLAVCHIK CONTENT WARNING: This episode depicts bloody violence, drug overdose, a heart attack, and existential horror. Buy our book at bit.ly/eidolon2e!

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