Dumb Dad Podcast podkast

Rush Through It, Close Your Eyes

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Winter Break has started, but it's only a break for Evan. The Dads go to a holiday party together and Evan wears an extra layer. Meanwhile Kevin forces his daughter to perform two parts of a triathlon, while Evan takes on more than he can carry. And our second HAND-WRITTEN user submission!

The Dumb Dad podcast is also on Youtube. Subscribe here!

For more Dumb Dad Pod, follow us on social – https://bit.ly/3t6tE9M

We’ve got DUMB DAD MERCH! 

And we’re on CAMEOWe’d love to send a message to a dad (or anybody) in your life who needs a Dumb Dad pick-me-up!


BETONLINE – Use our Promo Code: BLEAV to receive your 50% Welcome Bonus on your first deposit.

Thanks to Chris Verdú for our show music! Check out Verdú on SoundCloud!

And thanks to editor, Annie Laferriere. Check her out on instagram!

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