Breadwinning Business Women with Jamila Payne podkast

5 Ways to Create Awareness for Your Business

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

I know how hard you’ve been hustling to get your business out there. But the clients just aren’t showing up fast enough. You’re making moves—attending events at events, promoting your services, maybe even throwing a few dollars into advertising—but the phone isn’t ringing, and the inquiries feel few and far between.

I know exactly how frustrating that can be. But what if I told you that creating awareness for your business doesn’t have to feel so overwhelming? This week’s episode of Breadwinning Business Women is all about flipping that struggle on its head.

In this episode, I break down proven strategies that will get more eyes on your business and ultimately, more paying clients through the door.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll discover:

  • The unexpected places to find opportunities that get you in front of ready-to-buy audiences
  • One underused strategy that can instantly connect you with the right potential clients—no ads required
  • How to make your clients do the selling for you without lifting a finger
  • A little-known way to leverage networking that can change your entire business trajectory

And so much more!

But here’s the thing: you don’t need to be trying everything all at once. In the episode, I’m challenging you to choose just one awareness strategy to focus on this month—and I’ll guide you through how to make it work.

There’s no time to waste if you want to see different results this quarter. I want you to take this info and put it into action right away. When you do, you’ll start noticing how even small shifts in your approach can bring the right clients knocking at your door.

✨ Ready to make your business unforgettable? Listen to this week’s episode right now and grab my Awareness Strategy Checklist to kickstart your plan.

Don’t forget to check out the resource and episodes that I mentioned:

🌟 Google Search Console

🌟 EP 237 | Marketing Mindset to Make Six Figures and Beyond

🌟 EP 238 | How to Solve Your Marketing Problems


And one more thing, if enough of you respond, I’m going to host a live episode where we dive even deeper into this topic. So, if you want in, email me at [email protected] and put “Marketing: in the subject line to let me know and I’ll send you an invite—I’d love to see you there!

Let’s make this your breakthrough marketing moment. Tune in now.

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