Comics for Fun and Profit podkast

Episode 919: Episode 919 Jason Interviews Soo Lee - ThunderCats Cheetara / Carmilla: The Last Vampire Hunter

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Episode 919 Jason Interviews Soo Lee - ThunderCats Cheetara / Carmilla: The Last Vampire Hunter

Soo Lee spoke about her upcoming OGN, Carmilla: The Last Vampire Hunter, and a new ThunderCats mini series, Cheetara 

Cheetara of the ThunderCats is renowned as a fierce warrior, famous for her lightning-fast speed. But before her arrival on Third Earth... before the destruction of Thundera... she was a young woman wrapped in a stifling life of Thunderian nobility - a young woman with secrets.

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In the second volume of this feminist tale of murder, monsters, and mystery layered with dark Chinese folklore, social worker turned vampire hunter Athena Lo has just lost everyone she loves—and it's all her fault.

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The Comic Book Page Podcast celebrates its 200th episode of the Comic Book Page Previews Spotlight!  Record a Clip: Use the July Catalogs & include the page number.Send it In:Email [email protected] with the subject line "200th Episode Clip." Details on their forum at:

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