Comic News Insider podkast

Episode 1512 - A Bunch of Comic Book Reviews!

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Reviews: Archie Comics: Judgement Day #1, Destro #1, Gatchaman #0-1, Lawful #1, PeePee PooPoo #1, Romeo vs. Juliet (FCBD), Scarlett #1, DC Horror Presents: Sgt. Rock vs. the Army of the Dead #1, The Smurfs: Olympic Special, The Ultimates Vol 5 #1, White Boat #1, William of Newbury #1

Time for a big comic book catch-up! Jimmy reviews all of these comics solo this week. Mostly recent ones but he also checks out one from a couple of years ago. He's thinking of doing a special on comics in his massive "unread" pile. Some really great comics here for sure. Let us know if you've checked any out and what you thought. Also, get a hold of us!

Thanks for listening!

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