Cold Email Outreach with Jeremy & Jack podkast

#370 - Live Cold Email Rewrite: Selling “Boring Services”

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In this episode, Jack and Jeremy dive into a cold outreach email, providing a detailed critique and actionable improvements. They discuss key elements of effective email marketing and share tips to make cold emails more engaging and successful.


Key Topics Discussed:

  • Email Content Critique
  • Subject Line
  • Call to Action (CTA) Development
  • Social Proof and Personalization
  • Alternative Engagement Strategies


Thank you for tuning in! To master cold email outreach, visit for our comprehensive course.

Struggling with cold outreach? uses personalized messages to turn prospects into qualified leads, saving you time and effort.


About the hosts:


Jack Reamer founded – the lead generation agency that brings B2B companies 1 lead per day by sending ultra-personalized LinkedIn messages and cold emails. Show listeners can book a free, 15-minute lead generation brainstorm session here:

Jeremy Chatelaine founded – the most performant cold email platform to get replies, thanks to industry-leading features such as Deliverability AI and Advanced Stats. Start your trial today here:


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